Sunday, January 15, 2012

We Interrupt this Health Challenge for a Recipe -Roasted Chicken

I have a sweet new friend that I love to introduce to people as my daughter. This is fun/funny because she is only 16 years younger than me and of a different race. And, I love to raise eyebrows! She recently asked me to write a cookbook for her and her room mates. While I was completely flattered, I can't think of a more grueling task than writing a cook book. I never measure anything! But I did use the opportunity to pull out a chicken and show her how unnecessary recipes can be. In about 10 minutes, I demonstrated how to make a great roasted chicken, had my 8 year old snap some photos and voila - I have a blog post!
Here it is:

First you need to gather several ingredients:
a roasting chicken
3 cloves garlic
1 lime
2 tsp. kosher salt
2 tsp. pepper
fresh herbs of your choosing - I chose rosemary on this particular day - 3 sprigs of fresh rosemary precisely.
Always rinse a chicken before you mess with it!!

Next I put the whole garlic cloves inside the cavity of the bird and add one half of the lime. As a side note, I bake any bird breast side down in order to keep the breast meet juicy and wonderful :)

Rub the bird with the salt and pepper mixture and tuck the fresh rosemary either under the skin or just lay them inside the wing.

Slice the other half of the lime and lay the lime slices on top of the bird. Place one slice between the breast and the bottom of the pan.

Drizzle about 2 Tbs of any kind of vinegar around the bird along with about 2 Tbs of water.

Cover TIGHTLY with foil or put a lid on it. I hate dry meat - if you get a tight seal, you don't lose moisture like you do when you cook the meat uncovered.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 1.5 - 2 hours. Take the lid/foil off, turn the bird over, and bake for 10 minutes longer so it is pretty and brown.

I tried to take a beautiful "after" picture but the bird was so tender, it fell apart as I transferred it to the plate. Yet another reason I could never do a cookbook...
This is a scrumptious and easy meal to prepare. It looks impressive but it is very healthy and easy on the wallet. I hope you enjoy it and please share your comments!

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