Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Somebody Bring Me Some Water!

Somebody is all wet!

Are you having second thoughts about this "water" business?!
How many trips to the toilet have you made this week?
Are your clothes getting tight?
Have you gained an inordinate amount of weight this week?

If you are muttering your answers in an exasperated tone then I will assume that you are one of the many dehydrated Americans now on the road to recovery! Don't get frustrated. My teenage daughter gained 15 pounds in 4 days when she first began drinking water regularly. Here is my explanation in terms that even a teenager can understand.

Your cells have a membrane (wall) that allows for the exchange of gases and liquids. . When you don't drink enough water, your cells tend to hang on to the "crap" that should be eliminated because there is nothing good to replace it.  When you start drinking water after depriving your poor helpless cells for so long they behave in the same manner as a starving person put in front of the all-you-can-eat at Golden Corral. They load up!! But you have done them wrong and they don't trust you now. Therefore, your cells will hold onto excess water until they truly believe you will continue providing water on a regular basis. When you have won their trust back, they will release the excess water and you will know it by the volume of urine output each time you go to the bathroom! This could take a few days or a few weeks - just depends on how dehydrated you have been.

Bottom Line - DON'T QUIT!!!!


  1. Wandered in here via a link from a friend's blog - you perfectly described my experience when I started watering myself. Last January, in addition to starting a food journal and exercise program, I bought a 1 liter stainless steel bottle to keep on my desk at work. I'd drink at least one liter before lunch, one liter after lunch, and sometimes a third during the course of the day. Several weeks into this, I was frustrated that my weight had gone up. I was trying so hard! Then, at the beginning of March, I dropped 20 pounds nearly instantly. A year later, I'm down over 50 pounds. Drink your water, folks!

  2. Thanks for sharing, Danny! You are correct - it takes time but once the body is saturated (and that's a good thing, folks) the excess weight literally falls off!
