Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2012 Challenge - Better Yourself!!

Welcome 2012!!!
This year will be a year of growth, challenge and let's face it.... some frustration. Is there any real success that comes without challenges and setbacks?
For me personally, 2011was a year of new beginnings and long awaited achievements. First, I completed my first sprint triathlon. Second, I launched a new skin care line. Finally, I have clinical evidence that I am normal!! All of my inflammation markers and auto-immune markers are negative / normal. The last achievement is the most significant development for me. I was first tested for auto-immune disease in 2002 and have not had normal lab results since that time. But I do now!!! I have been greatly blessed to have been symptom-free for about 6 years (with proper attention to lifestyle and diet) and now I have finally achieved my ultimate goal of being "normal"!! What a great gift health is - no price can be applied to it!

My natural response to all of these great things is to further challenge myself in the new year. What else can I do to feel even better, run faster (some days just run at all), look better, work better, sell better, etc.?  I am digging out some of my good advice that I give to my clients and offering it up here on a weekly basis to anyone interested in feeling better, looking better, performing better or achieving some other lofty goal. What I am offering is not medical advice - so don't even think about blaming me if you don't like the way it goes :) This is simply sound advice for the general American population that will help improve your health and physical / mental ability.  I will be undertaking each challenge personally throughout the entire year - can't wait to see  the results!

I invite you to join me on this challenging journey - it will require planning, gumption, discipline (if you don't have any - find some darn it!) and perseverance. Hopefully we will all be extraordinarily transformed this time next year because of these simple changes to our daily lives.