Thursday, July 5, 2012

Part 3: Change Your Skin

During the summer, your skin takes a beating! Freckles become more pronounced, sun burns just happen despite your best efforts, and skin can end up looking dry and cracked.

To help your skin, try implementing these handy tips to protect and nourish your skin.

  • Wear a hat!!!
  • When moisturizing, use formulas with ingredients such as aloe vera, coconut oil, undaria pinnatifida, Shea butter, and jojoba oil. NEVER use mineral oils!!
  • ALWAYS use a sunblock!! Mineral agents such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are much more effective than chemical sunscreen ingredients. 

  • Ladies, use make-up sparingly. It is better to use a tinted moisturizer with zinc oxide for SPF protection
  • Keep your skin clean - wash every day with a mild cleanser - not bar soap!! K6 skin care is a great option (in my unbiased opinion).
  • Drink, drink, drink!!!! Lots of water is necessary in increased temperatures to keep your skin hydrated and looking healthy.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Part 2: Raise Your Vitamin D Levels

Spending time outdoors helps your body synthesize vitamin D. Most Americans are deficient in vitamin D - if you are one of these, try one of these options:

  • Go outside first thing each morning to enjoy your cup of coffee or tea. You will spend about 20 minutes outdoors before the sun can do damage to your skin, yet your whole body will benefit by increasing its levels of vitamin D.
  • Take an evening walk before the sun sets  
  • Water your plants before the sun is too high or too low
  • Take a vitamin D supplement! Most adults can take 2,000 - 5,000 IU daily with no problem. Want to get your vitamin D levels tested? Ask your doctor to check your 25-hydroxy vitamin D score. The healthiest people score 60-80 ng/mL or use DirectLabs to order your own test at a very discounted price!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Part 1- Change your meals

Have you ever craved a hot bowl of soup after mowing the yard in 100 degree heat?
Me either!
When the temperatures rise, our bodies tend to perspire more in an attempt to stay cool. Eating "cooling" foods can help your body stay both hydrated and cool during the long, hot summer days.
Hot meals are not necessary - there are so many great dishes that can be eaten cold or room temperature, try something new this week. Some ideas are:


Cobb Salad


Lemon Chicken (I like to grill instead of bake)

Tuna Salad

Bean Salad

Meals should be lighter in every way. Your need for hydration increases as your level of perspiration increases. Watermelon, peaches, berries, and many other fruits help to provide more water for your body while keeping your appetite in check with their many vitamins and minerals.
Try to eat more veggies and fruit so you feel lighter - now you are ready to jump back in the pool without waiting for the hour your mom made you wait!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Challenge #21 Healthy Summertime Fun

It is so hot outside! We have officially reached the triple digits here in Dallas and it is driving many people inside. This week I want to challenge you to develop some new summertime rituals or traditions that provide you, your family and friends with physical and emotional enjoyment.

This isn't anything complicated, but understanding how our bodies change with the seasons is imperative to good health!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Runners Up and How to Avoid Them

Drugs that act on diabetes, reflux, hypertension, chronic pain, osteoporosis, and allergies top the list of the most commonly prescribed drugs (behind 1 and 2). Because they are synthetic compounds that have unknown actions at the time of their availability on the market, it is always a good idea to avoid having to use them! How? Lifestyle, lifestyle,  lifestyle!!!

Diet - Be reasonable. Veggies first and in more abundance than anything else that you eat. Protien should be lean and natural. Fruits should be fresh and eaten in moderation. Fats should come from nuts, seeds, fish, and lastly from animal sources.

Exercise - We were not designed to sit all day. Get up and move for 30 minutes minimum each and every day! Park your car at the end of the lot and walk, take the stairs, do things that make you move more! Find a physical activity you can enjoy: cycling, swimming, running, yoga - the possibilities are endless.

Thoughts - Be positive! Focus on constructive ideas that serve to improve your life.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

And in 2nd Place......

The statin Drug Zocor was prescribed over 94 million times last year! Statin Drugs are used to lower cholesterol. It is in the same class as Crestor, Lipitor, Zocor, Simcor, Vytorin, and others. Some of the most commonly reported side effects of these drugs are:
sexual dysfunction
memory loss
immune dysfunction
nerve damage to extremities

Aside from these serious side effects, statin drugs highly increase one's risk of developing diabetes.  Nutritionally, taking statin drugs can cause Coenzyme Q10 deficiency within the body's cells.  All of this can result in various cardiovascular problems, weka immune system health and low energy.

A more natural way to lower cholesterol is to eat healthy fats, such as fish, nuts, and seeds. Supplements such as omega 3 and 6's as well as some herbal extracts from evergreens can help to lower cholesterol. Nothing can negate the importance of a healthy diet!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Most Popular Prescription for 2011......

Hydrocodone!!!! Also known as Vicodin, this drug was prescribed over 131 million times in one year. Vicodin is used to treat pain and is a member of the opiod family. As such, we can deduce that Americans suffer a lot of physical pain.

If you have taken hydrocodone for an extended period of time, it might interest you to know that the most commonly reported side effects are: lightheadedness, dizziness, sedation, and vomiting. If you drink alcohol while taking vicodin, you increase your risk of hepatotoxicity. Additionally, there are 19 disease contraindications related to the use of this drug.

Nutritionally, use of vicodin can lead to deficiencies in folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, iron and vitamin B5.

If you suffer with chronic pain, you may be interested in learning more about acupuncture, proteolytic enzymes for inflammation, anti-inflammatory diets, chiropractic, TKM, and hypnosis. All of these techniques offer great help for chronic pain.
